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Nikolaus McFarland, MD, PhD


Photo of Nikolaus McFarland

About me

My name is Nikolaus McFarland, MD, PhD, and I am an associate professor within the University of Florida Department of Neurology and a board-certified neurologist and movement disorders specialist at the Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases at UF Health. I hold the Wright/Falls/Simmons Professorship in PSP/Atypical Parkinson’s.

I began my career as a neuroscientist but soon realized that I wanted my work to have a more direct impact on patients and their care. Thus, I pursued medicine and neurology training, receiving a medical and doctorate degree. I am constantly inspired by my patients and their families and caregivers, staying driven to make their lives better through comprehensive and compassionate care and research. I am passionate about helping my patients and finding answers to their diseases.

I completed my medical and doctoral training at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and my subsequent neurology residency at the University of Virginia in 2006. Then, I pursued fellowship training in movement disorders at the Massachusetts General Hospital and postdoctoral research in Parkinson’s disease and related disorders at the Mass General Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease (MIND).

During my time at Mass General, I served as an Instructor at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School. In 2010, I joined the UF faculty in the department of neurology as a member of the movement disorders division and the Center for Translational Research in Neurodegenerative Disease (CTRND), which aims to bring bench science closer to bedside care.

I see patients with a variety of movement disorders from Parkinson’s disease to tremor to dystonia, but I specialize in atypical Parkinson’s disorders such as progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), multiple system atrophy (MSA), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and corticobasal syndrome.

I direct a comprehensive, multidisciplinary clinical research program for atypical Parkinson’s disorders and a clinic that is recognized as a CurePSP Center of Care. I also enjoy seeing Huntington disease patients and direct the UF Huntington Disease Society of America (HDSA) Center of Excellence. I participate in multiple clinical trials for Parkinson’s disease, atypical Parkinson’s disorders and Huntington disease.

My primary goal is to improve the lives of individuals suffering from neurodegenerative disease. To achieve this goal, I have dedicated myself to advancing research and multidisciplinary care that involves a team of passionate individuals, working together to provide comprehensive care, support, education and research opportunities. I am privileged to work with an amazing team at the Fixel Institute and to collaborate with multiple researchers at UF seeking novel diagnostic tools and developing next-generation therapeutics.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with family, including my wife (who is also a researcher in neurology) and two active kids. I am an avid classical violinist (and violist) and love playing music when I can. I also like spending time in my garage workshop building furniture.

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Active clinical trials

Nikolaus McFarland
Accepting Candidates

This is a Phase 3, open-label study to evaluate the long-term safety and tolerability of valbenazine, and to provide participants continued access to valbenazine for the treatment of chorea associated with Huntington disease.

Nikolaus McFarland
Accepting Candidates
18 Years - 75 Years
PPMI Clinical -Establishing a Deeply Phenotyped PD Cohort (PPMI)

The Parkinson Progression Marker Initiative (PPMI) is a longitudinal, observational, multi-center natural history study to assess progression of clinical features, digital outcomes, and imaging, biologic and genetic markers of Parkinson's disease…

Nikolaus McFarland
Accepting Candidates
30 Years - N/A
View all of Dr. McFarland's active clinical trials

My research

Top areas of exploration

  • Parkinson Disease , 42 publications
  • Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive , 18 publications
  • Multiple System Atrophy , 14 publications
  • Parkinsonian Disorders , 12 publications

Research activity

86 publications

4,220 citations

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